If evolution is true, then there is no reason to try to fit God into explanations for human origins.
Theistic evolution is a hybrid theological doctrine that holds that evolution is true but God is behind it all. That is, evolution happened, but God directed it.
Theistic evolution is, then, nothing more than another God-creation story. But it is quite an odd God-creation story because God only takes part invisibly and undetectably by those who wish him to take part, and plays no role for everyone else.
Further, the ideas behind theistic evolution find no support in the Bible and garner no support among scientists.
So why hold it?
Theistic evolution affords to evolution divine guidance it does not need and to God a natural process He does not need. In other words, theistic evolution attempts to articulate a syncretic belief system that combines a creative God in no need of evolution with a naturalistic science in no need of a creative God.
Again, why?
There is only one motivation to adopt a theology of creation that seeks to salvage an otherwise Godless evolutionary theory: a conviction that evolutionary theory holds the true explanation for human origins. Theistic evolution arose from the cogitations of those who percieve a delimma: They believe in a creator God, but they are convinced that evolution by natural selection is sufficient to explain the origin and existence of human beings.
Indeed, if evolution by natural selection could explain the existence of human beings theistic evolution might be the only option to salvage an otherwise miraculous story of creation by a miracle-working, creative God. Without any scriptural basis but an argument from metaphorical silence, Bible-believers everywhere could find intellectual solace in imagining an invisible God behind a very visible process.
But what if natural selection cannot explain any evolutionary change in any ancestor of all current living things? That is the premise of The Natural Selection Paradox, and it is true.
What if? Would Bible-believers still find satisfaction in a “third way” theory devoid of either scientific or Biblical support?
It’s time that the Church and particularly leaders in the Church do their homework. Evolutionary theory is not mysterious or hard to understand. Once evolutionary theory is understood, Bible believers can join Darwinists in affirming that belief in a creative God who created humans—male and female—in His image ex nihilo cannot coexist coherently with a naturalistic science that demands belief only in unguided, purposeless processes said to turn nothing into something, and something into someone.
Leading Darwinists agree: There is simply no argument to be made that Darwinian theory and a belief in the creative God of the Bible as recorded in Genesis can be rationally reconciled.
It’s time for leading Christians to agree to the same, and more. Once evolutionary theory is understood, there is no reason to attempt a rational reconciliation.
Think about it.
More on reasons to reject evolution and embrace Biblical creation in the new book, Without Excuse: Evidence for Creation by God. Read it today!