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Reformed: A Message to Christians

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

Reformed: changed for the better.

Evolutionary theory to explain the origin of human beings can be easily refuted. There is no reason in light of modern biology to maintain that the world, much less living beings, arose from purposeless processes of nature by natural processes alone.

If a Christian does not believe the above statements then he or she needs to become educated on the subject. Because a Christian who believes God exists and scripture is reliable has every reason to reject evolutionary creation of humans and embrace the truth of creation by God, including male and female in His image.

Why? Because Christians can. Atheists, materialists, naturalists, rationalists and every other “ist” that denies the creative existence of God can’t. For them the question of human origins is answered—rightly or wrongly—before it is asked.

Atheists have no choice but to remain faithful believers in evolution regardless of the facts.

Christians do have a choice.

It’s time for a reformation in the Church to forcefully reject evolutionary biology as an explanation for human existence. We have been led astray for too long by a 19th-century naturalistic theory that has not kept up with 21st-century modern science. Christian leaders have timidly bowed to the reining orthodoxy of an outdated naturalistic science.

There was a time when this bowing may have appeared to be the better part of valor.

But no longer.

The Church is losing influence, not only outside the Church but within. Why believe in a God that had no part in creating you? What does redemption even mean when there is nothing of intrinsic value in human beings to redeem?

The Church for too long has at least tolerated and at most bought into the lie of evolution by natural selection. And it is a lie. A heinous, grievous lie that has led to generations of people who have no reason for existing. For Christians to buy into this lie for lack of understanding in an age of easy understanding grieves the heart of God and hinders the Gospel message.

It’s time for a Creation Reformation. God must be glorified by his crowning glory: human beings.

Reformed: changed for the better.

Think about it.

For a more complete analysis, see our new book: Without Excuse: Evidence for Creation by God. Enjoy!



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