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Evolutionists: Thank the Turkey

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

If evolution is true, then who do we thank at Thanksgiving?

If evolution is true, then God did not create human beings.

Evolution, regardless of how it is billed by wishful thinkers, recounts a creation story devoid of any purposeful oversight. Evolution supposedly resulted from the Big Bang sending matter sailing meaninglessly through the universe in unintended directions. And we here as part of this empty drama until our particular matter-bag of life peters out into nothingness again.

But for some reason human beings seem compelled to give thanks. Being thankful is uniquely human among all the random Big Bang detritus that we categorize as “living” among the non-living. Did the birds that ate the light-colored moths in the famous Peppered Moth story give thanks? Did the long-necked giraffes give thanks that they could reach the leaves in high trees? Can plants even think about giving thanks?

Giving thanks among human beings has no evolutionary explanation. What basis can there be among any purposeless eating machines doing only what nature demands? Evolutionists, of course, try to come up with a natural explanation for thankfulness. But this not because evolution can explain it, but because evolution must explain it. Somehow.

The people in the United States even created a holiday devoted purely to giving thanks. Called Thanksgiving, not only is the day set aside for thanks, but for giving thanks to God.

Giving thanks to God?

What could be more anti-evolutionary than giving thanks to God? What do evolutionists do on Thanksgiving in the United States? Give thanks to God? For what?

And what about atheists? Who do they thank at Thanksgiving?

Well, we found out what one atheists thanks, and it makes perfect sense: he thanked the turkey!

In a 2010 article optimistically entitled “Thanksgiving’s a holiday atheists can believe in,” one atheist found something to thank:

I’m thanking, first, the universe for allowing me to be alive. I’m thanking my family for being with me, and I give thanks to the turkey that gave its life, the plants on our table, to the Earth itself for being abundant.

There you have it. The only thing that an atheist (and most evolutionists) could possibly thank: the universe for “allowing” him to be alive, his family, plants, the Earth, and the turkey!

Here’s a news flash for atheists and evolutionists: Aside from your family and other human beings, there is only one other being in the universe that can receive your thanks. The universe? You are absolutely nothing to it. The earth? It does not know you exist. The plants? If they could, they might hate you for killing them. And that poor turkey? Do you think it wants or would receive your thanks if it could do so?

The folly of those who think nature created them for no reason and yet feel compelled to thank someone is amusing. But the fact that they refuse to recognize that the very prompting of thankfulness comes from one person in the universe who should be thanked more than any other? That is tragic.

And the irony compounding the tragedy is the sentiment of an atheist to thank the turkey “who gave its life.”

Folly is being generous.

Think about it.


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