If evolution is true, the world is indeed a hopeless place.
Imagine that you had no hope and were in the world without God. And now imagine that this state of being is permanent, unchangeable, and final.
If evolution is true, both statements above are true and your imagination conforms to reality. However, if evolution is not true, and God created the world including humans in His image, the first statement may be true about you, but the second statement is definitely not.
It is time we see evolution for what it is: a creation story based on purposeless processes of unguided nature such that its creations are meaningless and equally purposeless. This is the world evolutionists wish us to believe is real.
You may be a person who believes in evolution but believes God was guiding it all. If so, you are not an evolutionist; you are a creationist with an odd view of creation. Your view of God as creator is neither supported by scripture nor set forth by science. So the question is why do you believe such a thing?
The fact is, either purposeless processes of evolution created humans or God purposely created humans in His image.
Consider the implications to the Gospel if evolution is true. If evolution is true Jesus is not who he claimed to be. How could He? He would have been just one more unintended mobile flesh bag of genes in a long line of bags of all kinds going back to a bacterium, we are told. And Jesus’ life has no meaning, it is simply another that failed in a survival of the fittest and succumbed to natural selection before he could pass his genes to another flesh bag.
Can we look for hope in the world by critically examining evolution’s truth claims? Is it possible that evolution cannot explain the origin and existence of human beings, for example? And if evolution fails as an explanation can we find our hope elsewhere?
The answers are yes, yes, and yes.
Most people know in their heart of hearts that evolution is not the explanation for their existence. Most people can look around at the evidence at hand and consider the world in the light of pure reason to understand, at a gut level, that the world is more than just atoms set in motion from the Big Bang. For these people there is hope in understanding. Hopefully, that is you.
It’s time for people of good will to follow their minds and hearts on this issue and reject evolution as being not only untrue with regard to the creation of human beings, but also as leading to false notions of purpose and meaning in the minds and hearts of people. Are we surprised that a theory based on hopeless death and destruction leads to thoughts of hopeless death and destruction in young people? We see the effects of hopelessness growing more and more all around us every day in people who we might say have been taught a worldview that values death and destruction. This worldview necessarily fosters people who live in the world without hope and without God.
But there is hope. The hope is in embracing the truth of creation that is necessary to the truth of the Gospel. The Gospel message is a message of light in the darkness and recognizes that before being reconciled to God we are all in this world with no hope and without God. But this can be changed. There is no reason to live without hope. Hope for today and hope for the future is offered in the person of Jesus Christ who was not just an unplanned act of nature but the son of the living God and God Himself.
Atheists, rationalists, evolutionists, naturalists–all the ists that deny God or His involvement in this world– will never find this hope. Do you know why? Because they can’t! Their adopted philosophy of the world prevents them from ever being able to believe anything but the dark, empty world of evolution.
But you, if you are a Believer, can. You have the choice to reject darkness and choose light. And if you do you will find you chose a belief that conforms better with reality as we know it. And the hope it brings will be permanent, unchangeable, and final.
It’s time to choose.
Think about it.
(c) 2023 Creation Reformation