If evolution is true, then the thirst of our hearts can never be truly quenched.
If you are a normal person you no doubt have experienced the yearning of the heart for affection, the thirst of the soul for meaning, and the desire of the mind for significance.
Where does this yearning, thirst, and desire come from? And how can it be fulfilled, quenched, or achieved?
Well, there is good news and bad news.
First the bad news. If evolution is true, you do not have a heart, you do not have a soul, and you have no true mind from which to find significance.
In a materialistic worldview for which evolution is the creation story there is nothing in nature that is not solely physical matter, atoms in motion from the Big Bang like helpless billiard balls careening about the universe in paths immutably predetermined from the instance of the Big Break.
This means that if evolution is true, you do not have a heart in the sense of an immaterial part of you that has true longings that can be satisfied. You are also not a soul; an immaterial soul of human beings is impossible if evolution is true. And your mind? Well, it is merely the chimerical result of billiard balls bouncing about in the physical part of you called your brain.
No true heart, no true soul, and no true mind that can be relied on for useful steps toward true significance. That is who you are, if evolution is true.
But why, then, do we all have yearnings, thirsts, and desires? Can one take one of this and two of that from the periodic table of elements to concoct a heart-yearning? Can one assemble just the right combination of atoms to build a soul-thirst? And how much earth, wind, and fire does it take to make a desire of the mind?
Now the good news. Evolution as an explanation for the origin of human beings is a lie. And the better news is that you long thought it was a lie precisely because you know you do have a heart, you suspect you do have a soul, and you are quite sure you do have a mind. To be told by evolutionists that your heart, soul, and mind are mere fictions, bare notional results of atoms bouncing around inside you is both insulting and offensive.
It’s time to gracefully and respectfully push back on the high priesthood of atheists and materialists who dominate the scientific world today. Those beholden to scientism insist we must unquestionably believe in evolution. But precisely because you use your heart, your soul, and your mind you have long suspected that there must more to life than mere existence as walking, talking flesh sacks.
And there is. Why do not more people know and take comfort in this?
Jesus once stood and proclaimed in a loud voice, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” Do these words, as mysterious or confusing as they may at first seem, not stir within your heart a sense of divine affection? Do they not seem to hold out the possibility to fulfill your soul’s thirst? And might there be in these words the seeds of significance for your mind’s discovery?
Yes, and more. Jesus further taught each of us to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, (and strength). His statement can only be meaningful if you have a heart, a soul, and a mind.
But now as then there are those who have reason to suppress the full of how to understand the truth of our immortal, immaterial existence on earth. In Jesus’ day it was the chief priests and Pharisees who wished to protect their hegemony over their spiritual rule. Today there is a priesthood of atheists and materialists who wish to protect their hegemony over secular rule.
When the chief priests and Pharisees were asked of Jesus’ statements above, they took comfort that none of “the rulers or of the Pharisees believed him.” But they were alarmed that “the mob that knows nothing of the law” did.
Trust your instincts. Follow your gut on this one. Be a part of the mob.
Think about it.