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Evolution and Faith

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

If evolution is true, then faith abounds only as an illusion of the mind.

The second Sunday of Advent focuses the minds of believers around the world on faith.

Believers? Faith? What sorcery produced this terminology if evolution is the true creation story for the human race? In any philosophical arena aren’t both terms ambiguous and in need of context for meaning?

Consider: everyone believes something, and everyone believes something unbelievable to others. God as the eternally existing uncaused cause of all? Unbelievable to many. Sub-atomic matter existing eternally uncaused and somehow banging about in time and space to be the cause of all? Unbelievable to most.

And what about faith? Does not every unbelievable belief come with its corresponding faith foundation? There is no scientific reason to believe anything—God or matter—existed eternally uncaused. This logical requirement of any coherent belief system stands as an impossible wall of truth that must be scaled for anyone to coherently hold any belief about human origins.

And how is the impossible wall of truth scaled? By adherence to an article of faith.

Everyone has a belief about human origins that gets expressed in a creation story. And this belief is bolstered—whether known by the believer or not—by a tenet of faith: faith in a logically required acknowledgement of the unknown. Faith in an unbelievable truth remains a necessary foundation upon which anyone’s creation story rests.

Of course, when we use the term “believers” we usually refer to “religious believers.” And “religious” almost always refers to those who take seriously a belief in the God of the Bible.

But are not evolutionists also believers? Do they not believe in something as the cause behind their chosen creation story?

Yes. But there is a fundamental difference between the faithful among Darwin’s followers and the faithful among God’s followers: Reality.

If evolutionary theory is the true story of human origins, then words like faith become objectively meaningless. Faith is an immaterial something, and if evolutionary theory is true there is no immaterial anything in humans or human nature.

What objective meaning can faith have among atoms scattered about at the Big Bang that formed naturally into walking and talking meat bags? Do rocks have faith? Do trees have faith? Does the wind have faith? Why, then, does anyone presume that the random atomic clusters called humans can have any faith based in reality?

There is only one true source of true, objectively real faith. And this true source of objectively real faith is, coincidentally, the source of the truly faithful here on earth.

This second Sunday of Advent the truly faithful read, pray, and reflect on the hope God’s plan gives us (foretold by the prophets and fulfilled by the life and death of Christ), and we meditate on the promise of Christ’s coming glory-filled return.

To the truly faithful, enjoy the second Sunday of Advent.

To the evolutionary faithful, enjoy the illusions of meaning you may carry with your illusion of faith.

Think about it.


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